Abbey Road June 5-8, 2014

Crew:  Brian, Eric T, Jason R, Betsy M, Kate S, Matt H, Russell N

Route, Highlights:

- Before setting sail from Barker's Island Marina, Jason fixed faulty bilge pump
- Sailed/motored from Superior, WI to Apostle Islands in light winds
- Saw freighter shining searchlight all over (e.g. at us) NW of islands
- Anchored S of Otter Is. @ ~1am in light N winds

- French toast breakfast
- Rained all morning, 5 went to shore on Otter Is.
- Left anchorage @ 4:30pm
- Motored to E side of Stockton Is. through thick fog (accompanied ominously by Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack).
-  Arrived @ balancing rock @6pm, with thick fog.  Took 3 shifts kayaking.
- Tacos!
- Dusk, motored to anchroage @ Julian Bay, foggy.
- Encountered a persistent moonbow to the East (thanks to  the fog)
- @1-2am fog cleared, Northern lights display (faint arch/band across north, with fainter streaking above it) until beginnings of dawn.

- Scrambled eggs with "stuff" breakfast
- Motored to Pike's Bay Marina in light wind

- Brian's
- Betsy's
- Jason's
- Eric's
- Russell's
- Kate's

- Plane crash near Duluth
- Northern lights report, time-lapse


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